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Other Uses For Dish Soap

Naturally, dish soap is great for washing dirty pots, pans, plates and silverware. But did you know it can be used in housekeeping chores that don’t involve your sink? It’s true! There are plenty of ways you can clean dish soap, both in and out of the kitchen.

Take a look at just five of the many uses for dish soap.

Stain Remover

Whether you’ve spilled red wine on pants or dropped a ketchup-covered hot dog down the front of your favorite shirt, stain removal is one of the dishwashing liquid uses that can come to your rescue.

You’ll need:
  • Dish soap
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  1. Mix one part dishwashing liquid to three parts hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Apply this mixture to the stain as a presoak.
  3. Let the solution sit for a few minutes, at which point you should see the stain fading.
  4. If the stain is not getting lighter, add a little more of your dish soap and peroxide presoak. You’ll want to keep a close eye on your garments to make sure the peroxide is fading the stain, but not bleaching your clothing.
  5. Once the stain has faded, wash your clothes according to the instructions on the care tag.

Cabinet Countertop Cleaner

You’ve already got dishwashing liquid on hand in the kitchen. Why not use it to clean those counters? This do-it-yourself cabinet and countertop cleaner recipe is one of the best uses for dish soap. And bonus, it’s safe for stone surfaces, too!

You’ll need:
  1. Mix a few drops of dishwashing liquid with warm water to create some sudsy action.
  2. Dampen a microfiber cloth with the solution.
  3. Wipe down your cabinet doors or countertops using even horizontal or vertical strokes. As you work, rinse your cloth regularly with clean water so that you’re not just smearing gunk around.
  4. Let the cabinets or counters air dry. This shouldn’t take long, since the cloth you clean with should be damp and not saturated.
  5. Use a clean and dry microfiber cloth to buff your countertop until it shines.

Soap Scum Solution

That gunky residue on your bathtub and shower walls can be a pain to clean, which is why many people resort to unnecessarily harsh solutions to tackle the problem. Kick those chemicals to the curb, because bathtub cleaning is one of our uses for dish soap.

Note: The solution below should not be used on stone tiles or walls, as vinegar can permanently damage these surfaces.

You’ll need:
  • 2 tablespoons dishwashing liquid
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 cup of distilled white vinegar
  • A spray bottle
  • A microwave-safe bowl
  1. Mix the vinegar and cornstarch together in a microwave-safe bowl until it has thickened.
  2. In the microwave, heat this mixture for one to two minutes.
  3. Pour the dishwashing liquid into the spray bottle.
  4. Add the heated cornstarch and vinegar mixture to the spray bottle.
  5. Shake to combine.
  6. Spray the solution on the tub and shower walls and let that sit for about 10 minutes.
  7. Rinse off the walls with water, making sure to remove all the solution.
  8. Wipe down with a dry microfiber cloth.
  9. Repeat the above steps as needed until your bathroom surfaces are free of scum.

All-Purpose Appliance Cleaner

Another of the great uses for dish soap is as a DIY all-purpose cleaning solution for your household appliances. In fact, when it comes to appliances, there are so many applications for dishwashing liquid that we’d break the Internet if we listed all the recipes. Nobody wants that, so we’ve listed below all the links you need instead.Now that you’ve discovered these amazing uses for dish soap, you may be interested in learning about DIY methods that involve other common household items. Check out these tips on cleaning with lemon, and then learn about some of the many ways vinegar can help you keep your home tidy.