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Deep Cleaning Services in San Antonio

Deep House Cleaning Services You Can Trust

  • Base Hours: 2 - 5
  • Includes: Dusting, Mopping, Vacuuming, Windows
  • Merry Maids Recommends: Weekly or Bi-Weekly Cleaning

Benefits of a Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning goes beyond everyday cleaning tasks, getting into the nooks and crannies of your space to make it look like new! The benefits of a more detailed cleaning process include:

  • Removing dirt buildup that may have been missed in regular maintenance cleanings
  • Helping to prevent mold growth by removing any dampness that may be present in hard-to-reach places where moisture might accumulate over time if not addressed properly during routine cleanings
  • Giving you peace of mind knowing that all areas of your home are being thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis so they stay looking their best

Ready to schedule a detailed home cleaning? Call our deep cleaning specialists in San Antonio at (210) 774-6720 or contact us online.

What is included in Our Deep Cleaning Services?

A Merry Aids expert wiping down an oven during deep cleaning services in San Antonio

If you’re looking for a thorough and comprehensive cleaning of your home, then deep house cleaning is the way to go. Detailed house cleaning goes beyond the standard vacuuming, dusting, and wiping down surfaces that come with regular cleanings. It involves getting into all nooks and crannies to make sure that your entire home sparkles from top to bottom. Here are some of the things included in a deep house cleaning:

1) Cleaning behind appliances:

This includes pulling out large appliances such as refrigerators or stoves so that they can be thoroughly cleaned on all sides including underneath them where dirt tends to accumulate over time.

2) Washing windows inside and out:

Not only will this help keep your windows sparkling but it will also help let more natural light in which can brighten up any room!

3) Dusting ceiling fans & light fixtures:

You may not think about these areas often but they tend to collect quite a bit of dust over time which needs attention during deep cleans so they don't become too dirty or dusty again soon after being cleaned!

4) Vacuuming furniture & under cushions :

Even if you vacuum regularly, there's still likely plenty of debris hiding between cushions or other hard-to-reach places within furniture pieces like couches or chairs - making sure those get taken care off is key for keeping everything feeling fresh!

5) Mopping floors throughout :

A good mop job ensures no dirt gets left behind while also leaving floors shiny enough for guests (or yourself!) walking around without having their feet stick due tp residue buildup from previous cleanings/spills etc..

6 ) Scrubbing bathrooms & kitchen surfaces:

These two rooms are among the busiest areas in most homes; thus special attention should be given when doing deeper cleans here since grime tends build up quickly especially near sinks/showers etc.. So make sure these spots get extra TLC when going through with an intensive cleanup session!.

We also serve the following areas:

  • Kerrville
  • Fredericksburg
  • Comfort
  • Boerne
  • Junction
  • Mountain Home
  • Universal City
  • Harper

Let Life Shine Through

“A clean house does me more good than an hour with a psychiatrist.” - Ms. Henderson
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